Category: birthdays

Dinner with Friends at Don Mills Center

Karen, Marcus, Cheryl, Vivian and Mel went to Linda Restaurant at Don Mills Center for Vivian’s birthday, the food was nice, just didnt expect almost everything was fried :p  Anyways, here they are!!!

there are more on my facebook link here

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Birthday Dinner with Joe Sir – Video

Was kind of a surprise dinner party for our cooking class teacher Joe Ho 😀  Overall, it was a super fun night and good food, surely we were super noisy.

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Estella’s Birthday Dinner (師奶篇) Video

Although it is not Estella’s birthday yet, with people’s busy schedule and stuffs, we decided to have this dinner a little earlier.  The night was all planned out without having Estella know that it was a dinner to celebrate her birthday and of course, with 16 people having dinner together was a blast.  I am glad I recorded this because I and others had never seen her dressed up that well and some of the conversation was very funny too  :p

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Dinner at Estella’s (師奶篇)

Estella invited me and tons of friends over for a great dinner that night.   I went there early so I could use her indoor swimming pool for the first time.  The afternoon at her house was busy as hell and she cooked the whole night along with some helpers of course.  Overall, food was great as usual and it was just fun being there, not to mention it was a night to celebrate Estella’s up coming birthday too 😀  Here are some pictures footage below

if you are interested to see more pictures, please go to my facebook link 😀

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Maggie’s Birthday (2 days celebration ) video

Here is also a video from my youtube channel on the actual birthday night dinner, please ignore the talking in the video because OMFG, is lobsters!!!  I am sooo afraid of them…

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