Category: Restaurants [之牛牛心得]

Maggie’s Birthday (2 days celebration ) video

Here is also a video from my youtube channel on the actual birthday night dinner, please ignore the talking in the video because OMFG, is lobsters!!!  I am sooo afraid of them…

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Hiro Sushi

I finally got to go to this place, Hiro sushi. Me and Cheryl went there and it was totally unexpected. Most of my friends know that I like good food and Cheryl suggested that we should probably try something new for dinner and there we went 😛 I have tried a few other Japanese food places and that was one of the restaurant on me top list “Hiro Sushi” The place was great and we did watch the chief/owner making us our food. I was amazed how good he is and there is nothing that could compare the chiefs in Richmond Hill 🙂 Anyways, I do have some pictures from the dinner and here is a gallery on my Facebook

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