Perfect Grade Gundam RX78-2, this plastic model kit was the GOD of all kits in the year 1998 when it first came out because of the skeleton frame. I bought mine in 1999 along with the custom sets 1&2 but of course, I didn’t really have that much patience to finish such a big plastic model at a young age. I did spray painted the major parts and didn’t really bother with the gray frame nor the parts that you don’t see after the whole Gundam is assembled.
The custom sets have been laying around for 2 decays, I finally decided to put them in good use. Last year around August, I started searching on Amazon and found the price of the Perfect Grade RX78-2 model kit was just $160, that’s basically the price I paid when I bought my first one 20 years ago. The decision was a no brainer and the shipment from Japan arrived about 3 weeks’ time. So the project started almost right away but on and off until now, the whole project took about 4 weeks in total (full time) including spray paint, hand paint, panel lines and etc. I am so pleased to say it is finally finished and to share the final result with the world.