RX78-2, Zeta, Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex and Great Mazinger Z
It was a very fun experience and brought back a lot of childhood memories. Initially, I bought the Zaku II when it first came out (which is not showing on this post because I haven’t found the right color of paints to paint it yet), then I bought the RX78-2 and Zeta (my favorites), and Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex, Great Mazinger Z and Mazinger Z (which I haven’t built yet) a couple months later. Very simple fun kits that don’t need too much time to build but unless you are a perfectionist like me, took me quite a while to finish, all kits needed to be painted that is hehe.
The spray paint part was a pain or maybe I should have hand painted them instead… my eyes are not like I used to be 20 years ago so getting the spray painting done was kind of a challenge to me. Here is the break down of what I have done to these models.
- RX78-2: painted almost every part except the yellow (didn’t have the right color of yellow at the time and the original looks just right anyway) and added the SDCS Silhouette Booster (WHITE).
- Zeta: Painted everything including the wings, etc. and didn’t use the stickers that came with the kit because I didn’t want the outcome to be cheap toy looking
- Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex: The color that came with the kit looks awful, had to paint everything to the right gold color. Never really painted almost the whole kit gold before and it was quite a challenge. (spraying too much paint in an area, you will end up messing up the gold finishing look).
- Great Mazinger Z: The most difficult to paint because of the shiny finish (This is why I still haven’t built my SDCS Mazinger Z)… The glossy paint I used melted the color paint on the model, had to remove the paint and try a few times to get the finishing just right.
Overall, these are fun to build and they are not expensive either. If you are getting the Gundam series fo SDCS, I strongly recommend the frame pack and the booster pack because they will give your SDCS models the ability to pose more freely. For the non-Gundam SDCS models, they already came with the extended frame booster so no add-on is needed.
SDCS Cross Silhouette experience,