Bright summer day is always beautiful but summer is slowly going away and I did manage to take a few pretty summer pictures at Edwards Gardens. My last visit was last year at a photo shoot for my friend’s wedding, the relaxing feel was totally unforgettable so I figuared why not go for a short visit. The parking lot was very full, I guess people had decided to feel the summer one last time before it goes away during the long weekend 😛 It was really a perfect day for a walk at the park, weather was very nice and cool, didn’t really expect to see any flowers because it was August already but I did find a few interesting things and it really was a very enjoyable afternoon. Here are a few pictures I took 🙂
Category: Sony NEX 5N
Jul 27 2013
Main Street Unionville (cloudy/rainy photo shots)
I didn’t expect with a cloudy weather Saturday I would manage to come up with a few good pictures, guess it doesn’t have to be sunny to get that achievement hehe. I haven’t taken any pictures outdoor in a cloudy day for a long long time and the result was not bad. I love photography, don’t want to be a professional but I am trying a lot different types just for fun. Practice is what I need and I am sure I will do a lot of that this summer. Every experience begins with a start, feel free to comment because I will definitely need that to improve my skills hehe.
- muddy…
- help!!!
- cloudy
- rabbit!!
- sunset and geese
- see the rain?
- geese
- what is this?
- what is this really?
Aug 01 2012
Hot Shoe Adapter for my NEX-5N
If you know mirrorless DSLR cameras then you should know the problem of my NEX-5N, there is no hot shoe for flashes or other accessories. It does come with a mini size flash but it’s just not enough for anything or you can get a bigger one for $199 with very limited flash power and flexibility. Then Sony came out with a more expensive model NEX-7 (with a hot shoe), which is double the price of a NEX-5N. Both cameras specs are very close and of course, the NEX-7 would have a higher bigger CCD sensor, other than that they are almost the same. I wouldn’t pay $1400 for a hot shoe, instead, I am very happy with my NEX-5N but you know what? Recently, a $30 aftermarket Hot Shoe Adapter just came out and it works like a charm, that just made me even happier, so beat that SONY :p
Dec 17 2011
Camera test – NEX 5N
Had to do some low light camera test with my NEX-5N since I heard soo many good things about it so I headed to Sunny and Karry’s house to do some tests since they have soo many things I can take pictures of, like their Christmas village display :p I love almost every part of the camera but a little not satisfied with the low brightness of some pictures. The noise in high ISO is pretty good, with the Anti Blur mode which takes 6 shots in 1 sec then combine them all as one picture is pretty amazing. Camera itself is super light, very handy to carry it around town. To top the regular still shots test, took a few pictures with Brownie (Karry’s cat) with her speedy movements. I am actually pretty happy with the results overall, maybe you guys should consider getting one as well :p
P.S. I did adjust the brightness a little bit using photoshop, nothing else but surprisingly, the noise/clarity of the photos after the adjustment is pretty good 😀
Nov 28 2011
Sony NEX 5N
I had been wanting to get a light weight camera and hoping to get the same quality as a professional DSLR camera … and you know what, I finally found a perfect solution :p A Sony NEX 5N, super light weight, mirrorless DSLR, super fast, great in low lights and perfect for my day to day snap shots. Big thanks to a few of my friends that recommend this camera, although I had been playing with it for only a few mins, I am already liking it more than my Canon DSLR…