You know, it has been a LONG while since my last AUTOSHOW visit and I can’t even remember when it was really… Luckily, I got a free pass to the show so I figured why not spend a day there while everywhere was closed that day 😛 It has gotten a lot bigger than what I remembered, lot more cars and a hell lot more people for sure. I love cars but I am only interested to see the ones that I can afford, unlike some people, dying to see those out of this world kind of cars. It is also a perfect place to take pictures of my favorites but I found a few weird moments that I didn’t really understand at the show, anyways, here they are 🙂
- nice wrangler 🙂
- love scion
- cute scion!!
- WTF at scion?
- nice color!!
- charging station?
- my favorite color!!!!!!!
- I actually like this
- life size hot wheels!!
- X6 is always my favorite 🙂
- infiniti…
- …
- my favorite color!!!!!!!
- Alfa..
- someday..
- love this print 🙂
Will I go again next year? Probably not, I will wait for another 10 years maybe 😉