It was Valerie’s 1 year old birthday a couple weeks ago and I invited Rosanna, David and little Valerie to my basement studio to have some pictures taken. It was my very first time having a studio session with a 1 year old, it would have been a mess if I didn’t have any helpers there, so many thanks to Karen and little Marcus. They also brought their own babies toys and clothes to make this event happen, took David 4 rounds to get everything from the car so you pretty much have an idea how much preparation that was.
How hard it is to take photos for a 1 year old? Seriously, I thought it was easy but after the first 10 mins of the photo shoot, I realized there were a few issues that I wasn’t aware of, e.g. babies crawl super fast, they will not listen to you and super hard to get the right facial expression etc. And after 2 hrs of the photo shoot, 550 pictures were taken, everyone was exhausted, Valerie even felt asleep right after. Anyways, I finally got the time to pick out the right pictures for my facebook and blog, they actually turned out pretty good considering that was my first time :p
Here is a link to the full album on my facebook