I know I am not supposed to… but…

It’s the forth day of Chinese New Year, I know I am NOT supposed to pick a fight with anyone or argue about anything but tonight I found something in my kitchen and my mom said something that pissed me off soo bad.  I found a bottle of “FU YU” with mold in the cabinet, so I told my parents about it, then my mom said to scrape of the mold and that bottle of “FU YU” will still be eatable.  At that moment, I thought how stubborn can people get when they get old, and people just never learn once they get to that age?  Of course I went ballistic about it with N x “F” word…

Sigh…  fucking retards…

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1 comment

    • Corolla on February 18, 2010 at 12:54 am

    May be you just let them have a lesson about what’s food poisoning. If that ‘FU YU’ has mold on it, they must have kept it for quite a long time as this is the first time for me to know that ‘FU YU’ can have mold on it.

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