Electronic Cigarettes

All my friends know that I have been a heavy smoker for a long long time since I was 18 think…  Although I have tried quitting but it was a fail every time…  Anyways, after trying the patches and gums, I guess it is time to try out some modern technology, electronic cigarettes – Electronic cigarettes in Canada closely mimic the taste, feel and sensation of a real cigarette. The electronic cigarette can be fitted with nicotine or non-nicotine cartridges. The cartridges are heated up, which creates a vapour that can then be inhaled. The process closely resembles how a nebulizer works.  And they come in different flavours like vanilla, strawberry and menthol etc.

I bought my EGO-T LCD Starter kit from EsmokerCanada, a Canadian company located in Ontario that had been around for some time, read some good things about them, great customer service, and my shipment only took 2 days to arrive, whoa…  If you are thinking to try something different, trying to quit or the COLD COLD weather here where you have to step outside for a smoke, you should definitely get this.



EGO-T LCD is a little bigger (bigger batteries) than a regular cigarette, but they do have a model 510-T which looks like a real cigarette :p

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