Tag: Milly

Joyce & Peter’s wedding dinner

I was invited to Paulina’s daughter Joyce’s wedding dinner at Hilton Hotel along with a few of my cooking class classmates and our cooking Teacher Joseph Ho, also had a chance to see a couple of old friends Donnie and Cecilla there too.  The ballroom setup was very nice, pretty chairs and tables, food was amazing and there was even live music as well.  Oh oh, not to mention it was also Joseph’s birthday too 😀  Anyways, here is a few highlights of the night.

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Hotpot at Queenie’s House

After our cooking class this afternoon, we headed to H mart on Yonge st. to get food for the hotpot dinner.  One of the snacks they made was a deep fried silver fish which tasted amazingly good, another good one was the deep fried salmon fillet, they are both in the pictures below.  In case you were wondering what was that cat (毛毛) doing, well, he was playing with the bag and didn’t want to move at all, so I held the bag up and took a picture, hehe!  Of course, how can I miss taking pictures of 波波 and 豆豆 :p  Anyways, the night was super awesome, thank you all 😀

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Birthday dinner with Joe sir at 魚樂軒小廚

My cooking class teacher Joseph Ho’s birthday is in 2 weeks, so most classmates decided to have dinner with him at a place that we will definitely remember, 魚樂軒小廚.   I chose this place because the last time I was there the food was already fantastic, this time, the food was amazingly good, probably because we could order more dishes with soo many people 😀  Everyone was amazed with the food in a little restaurant like this size, I was really glad that I brought them there.  Anyways, here are a few of the pictures I took and Happy Birthday Joe Sir!!!

if you want to see more, click on my facebook link here http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/album.php?aid=300228&id=689775210

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