Tag: 毛毛

Dinner at Queenie’s House

After the cooking party at our cooking class, Queenie invited us to her place for a small dinner.  We did some supermarket shopping at H mart (Korean supermarket), then we headed to her house to do some more cooking :p  Of course, other then the dinner part, I was dying to see her cats 毛毛, 波波 and 豆豆, hehe!!!  I was soo surprised that fat 波波 and 豆豆 had a super cute hair cut too, don’t they look like mini lions?

p.s. those little dolls were made by Queenie with cooking flour, Corolla made those fresh salmon fillet and fried rice, oh and those coloring pencil look alike are actually chopsticks 😀

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Queenie’s BBQ 2010 (靚靚師奶篇) – video (10 July 2010)

Watching a video is more fun than anything else, I brought 2 cameras to Queenie’s BBQ, I was taking pictures on one side, Corolla and Connie helped me record stuffs from the other, here is a video of their point of view 😀  Enjoy!

P.S.  I speed up a few parts to reduce the length cap on youtube, so don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with your player 😛

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Queenie’s BBQ 2010 (靚靚師奶篇)

This BBQ party was supposed to be on Thursday, but the weather was super hot during the week so Queenie decided to push the party to Saturday instead, luckily, the weather was super nice after a day of heavy rain 😀  The party was soo much fun, loud and humorous plus there were like almost 20 people, surprisingly a few rare people showed up as well like Sandy Ma, David, Freda, Raymond and Connie 😀  Anyways, these are some of the pictures I took using my 550D, I brought 2 cameras that day so I will be uploading some more pictures and videos soon 😀

of course there are tons more on my facebook here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=237813&id=689775210

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