Tag: Cheryl Chow

Ricky was here!!!

Glad to see Ricky came back to Toronto for a short visit, I don’t even remember when he left Toronto but this was a perfect opportunity for some old friends reunion.  Years ago, a small group of our friends went back to Hong Kong then people started going different directions, so quite a lot of people that we haven’t seen for a long while.  Anyways, we decided to have our old friends gathering dinner at Moxie’s.  The night was awesome, we tried to catch up everyone and stuffs, reminds me of old times having poker nights and hanging out together.  Oh and big congratulations to Cindy of her pregnancy too!!!

P.S.  for those of you that want these pictures in full resolution, you can download the files here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_mlqvrXUFhGWW9NQWVvbUZ2UGc/edit?usp=sharing

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Easter Long Weekend 2013

Spring has come already but it still feels like winter in Toronto but this Easter Saturday was super sunny, tho it wasn’t warm enough but we just couldn’t wait to have a BBQ 😛  We had something I never tried, not sure if you guys ever had, look at those super size clams and salmon on cedar wood below.  Not to mention I didn’t know you could cook salmon this way either, a little seasoning, a few pieces of lemons, into the grill and in a few mins, Viola!!!

Just like every gatherings we had at Karen’s house, it was fun and filling, and of course for the kids, they were high on sugar, playing/running around like crazy the whole night…

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Christmas Day Hotpot 2012!!!

On this Christmas Day, we decided to have our biggest hotpot dinner we had ever had in 2012 at Karen’s house.  Karen and Grace had to bring the kids to see Disney on ice in downtown, so me and Simon along with others had to get this hotpot dinner ready in the afternoon.  There were a few things that we never had in our hotpots home style, like the chicken wings end (雞翼尖), Hong Kong Style fish balls (彈牙街邊魚蛋) and a few misc. things 😀  We had a great time of course, but I think the happiest person of the night was Marcus, because he got to open all the gifts at the end of the night, hehe.

Unfortunately, Marcus got a very bad paper cut opening the gifts at the end of the night…  hope his finger will be ok soon 😛  Anyhow, happy holidays to everyone, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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Halloween Party 2012

It was an event that we had been waiting for, cosplay time of the year, Halloween Party 2012!!!  It has been a long time since the last gathering event like this, everyone had to dress up for the occasion and had tons of fun.  We decided to have the party this weekend instead of on the actual Halloween day which is the coming Wednesday so we could spend more time to have more fun :-p  Seriously, I think some of us looked even better than their normal looks after they are dressed up in costumes, hehe  and you can tell some costumes really fit their personality perfectly, just take a look at Grace, Emily, Karen, Marcus and some others including me, seems like the costumes really reflect our inner selves to the real world, hahaha.  Anyways, we had a blast, food was amazing, games were fun to play and the fun time/minutes was high 😀  I am sure we will do it again next year since this was a success, thanks Cheryl for setting this event up, and of course a BIG THANKS to Corolla for spending the time to make me a Waldo costume, YAY!!!

a full album on my facebook link here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151264418350211.513147.689775210&type=1&l=a158541795

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Delicious Seafood & Steak

Delicious Seafood & Steak, a Hong Kong style restaurant that just opened business about a week, located at Commerce Gate facing highway 7 (was 稻香).  I have already tried their lunch twice and so far, everything tasted not bad at all plus they are still doing a promotion right now, everything is half price.  If you are bored having lunch at the same places in the area, this is really a good try out place for Hong Kong style 😀  Hopefully this one is going to stay because everything in the same location didn’t last very long…  Here are a few typical Hong Kong style dishes 😀

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