Tag: Paulina

Dinner at Estella’s (師奶篇) Video

After seeing the pictures, don’t you want some more?  There was soo much thing going on that night and it seemed very busy at all time.  The conversation was funny most of the time too, especially from Joyce  hehe.  Anyways, here is a video I put together of  the night 🙂

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Dinner at Estella’s (師奶篇)

Estella invited me and tons of friends over for a great dinner that night.   I went there early so I could use her indoor swimming pool for the first time.  The afternoon at her house was busy as hell and she cooked the whole night along with some helpers of course.  Overall, food was great as usual and it was just fun being there, not to mention it was a night to celebrate Estella’s up coming birthday too 😀  Here are some pictures footage below

if you are interested to see more pictures, please go to my facebook link 😀

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Cooking fun + BBQ + Dinner with Aunties (師奶篇)

Last week, I have learned a lot about cooking from all the aunties in a few places and there was also a BBQ party with them in my house last friday.  Surprisingly, these aunties are sooo playful and I have learned a lot from them already.  Sometimes I wished my parents were 30 yrs younger so they could do the same like these aunties :p  But you know, hanging around with them will definatly gain me some pounds since their cooking is soo good at all time, so I better start my diet plan right now :p

Here is a facebook link for more

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Cooking class classmates gathering (烹飪篇)

I am going to make this post big because this is one of the biggest surprise gathering I have ever had 😀 Mary and Paul invited me over along with some other cooking class classmates on the weekend, surprisingly Mary could really cook hahaha.  Most of the time in our cooking lessons, she was walking around and chatting to others but she did 9 dishes all together in a night, also some others made some misc. stuffs and they all taste soo good.  Overall, the night was fun and all, hopefully we will have more gathering like this so I can taste more good food 😀  Here is some footage of the night, Enjoy 🙂

If you want to see more, here is a facebook link 😀

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