Tag: Simon Lam

Canada Day 2011

I remember last year on Canada, we had a BBQ party in Cheryl’s house, this year, same place but take outs instead :p  We figured we didn’t want to spend too much time on preparing food and we could enjoy the air conditioning inside the house since the weather is super hot…  If you look at the pictures below, hope your jaw doesn’t drop because we did have lots of food and at the end, each one of us got to take home 2 boxes each, hehe  Oh btw, thx the ladies for spending the time to open all the oysters for us 😀 and they tasted really good, special thx to Cheryl for getting those 😀

more pictures on my facebook link here as well 😀  http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150306682735211.382427.689775210&l=c74c1e6c5c

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Marcus 的第一次

Time to get little Marcus some summer activities, one of the choices is skating, Karen asked Marcus if he wants to learn how to skate and surprisingly he said yes. So before he really joins those classes, they decided to let him try it first. First time Marcus being in a skating arena, he sure had his fun but the poor parents were sweating like crazy hehe

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Mother’s Day BBQ

Most of my friends know that my parents are not in Toronto right now, so for this mother’s day, I was invited to a Mother’s day BBQ, first BBQ this year and the weather was super nice 😀  The food was awesome, the way how the food was marinated was amazing as always, of course big thanks to Karen for that, she definitely got that from her mom hehe.  Anyways, lets take a look at the yummy food I had today 😀

Those are just food pictures, if you want to see the full album, please go to my facebook link here 😀  http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150247624290211.365951.689775210&l=9b7f1a1225

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House gathering / studio test 3

While my parents were here, my friends was afraid of my crazy parents but there are in Hong Kong right now, so I decided to throw some huge parties at my house plus I can do more studio pictures as well :p  The studio shots this time is a little different with another set of softbox lights 😀  Anyways, enough with the talking, here are some highlights pictures of this album, trust me, you would totally fall in love with it because there is a totally cuteness in this 😀

P.S.  I don’t recall having soo many children in my house before :p  and here is a link to a 178 pictures more on my facebook, enjoy 😀  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?fbid=10150228824325211&id=689775210&aid=350084&l=b809d9a5dd


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Emilie’s Birthday Party 2011

Emilie (小雞) is 2 years old now and lots of friends were invited to the party.  Little Emilie was so adorable and welly dressed for the occasion, thanks to her mom I guess :p  It was kind of tiring for me because I was carrying my camera, running around, talking pictures of everyone but over all we had soo much fun and did some real life update chat with old friends as well 😀  Plus kids kids kids, there were tons of kids…  Anyways, here are a few pictures I took at the party 😀

Here is a link to a total of 140 photos on my facebook 😀  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=348389&id=689775210&l=88a0e1b17f

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