Tag: Simon Lam

Fin – izakaya – authenic Japanese Izakaya in Midtown

Fin – izakaya is another really nice Japanese restaurant in Toronto. Karen’s birthday is coming real soon, so we decided to treat her a really nice dinner.  Cheryl had been there a few times but it was my first time there, I was already excited when I saw the front door of the restaurant and once we went in, you could actually feel the Japanese spirit is in there 😀  We ordered a lot of food even there were only 5 of us including Marcus but surprisingly we finished them all hehe.  But sadly, I was not surprised with the raw fish because I think you could find the same quality in most Japanese restaurants, tho, the surprising part was the cooked food, they all look and taste really good 😀  Anyways, here are some of the photos I took below:

There are tons more pictures on my facebook link here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=342194&id=689775210&l=eb0d21273b with food descriptions by Cheryl 😀

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Maxim Restaurant (美心餐廳)

Had dinner with a bunch of people including 3 kids… at Maxim Restaurant (美心餐廳) Richmond Hill.  We haven’t seen Thomas for quite a long time, since his wife just had a baby boy, so we decided to have a first look at their new born baby boy along with a nice dinner :p  The little guy was soo quiet most of the time which was kind of like a surprise for a 2 months old new born.  Also take a look at the food we had, mine was a 10 oz Sirloin Steak, it should have been medium but instead, it was more like well done, so next time if you go there, you should definitely ask for medium rare 😀  Other than that, everything was pretty nice 😀


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Christmas Dinner – 25 Dec 2010

Where did I go on Christmas day?  Well, after soo many events and places to go in the previous days along with A1中文電台都市巨聲歌唱比賽 決賽 on Christmas Eve, I was totally drained.  I woke up real late because I had to edit the pictures and video so I could post the updates of last night’s event.  In case you missed it, here is a link to my blog post http://www.karlng.com/blog/?p=2913 and a full gallery on facebook http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=315090&id=689775210&l=de94ca1cb9.  Had a nice Christmas party/dinner at Karen’s parents house with friends, we ordered food from 潮洲館, Ichban and Rosanna made a turkey. of course, little Marcus was the happiest person out of all because he got to open all the gifts :p  Seeing him ripping paper wraps made me wished I could have done that when I was little :p  Anyways, took some pictures as always 😀

if you want to see a full album, please go to my facebook gallery here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=315636&id=689775210&l=89ca2c307f

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A1中文電台都市巨聲歌唱比賽 決賽 (Final)

This is a follow up post of A1中文電台都市巨聲歌唱比賽 決賽 Rehearsal and A1中文電台都市巨聲歌唱比賽 準決賽之 Karen on Stage.

Finally, A1中文電台都市巨聲歌唱比賽 決賽 (Final) on Christmas Eve.  We got the perfect VIP seats in the front, too bad there was a very tall guy sitting just in front of us, so in most of the pictures I took, you will see a head shadow, sigh…  Anyways, all the contestants were great, especially Karen did an out standing performance on stage, you can check it out from my youtube video below 😀  Overall, I like the show very much, but there was one thing that disappointed me the most, the way they gave scores to the contestants was horrible.  Some weren’t that great but score was high, some were fantastic but score was low, made me think that they already made a decision before the show even started.  Anyhow, Karen really gave us a great show and it was the best we had ever heard her sing as well, loved every moment of it and we are always a fan!!! 😀

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Fairwell hotpot dinner with Gary Wong

One of our good friend Gary Wong decided to go back to Hong Kong for good, really didn’t expect he would go back and start everything all over again there :p  Anyways, had a very nice hotpot dinner at 金稻 on Leslie with a couple of old friends like Tommy and Angel, very good quality of food if you are looking for an all you can eat hotpot place in Richmond Hill.  Best wishes to Gary in Hong Kong in the future hehe 😀

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