Tag: Emilie (雞B)

Richmond Hill Ribfest 2012

About a year ago, I went to the Markham ribfest, unfortunately I missed the one this year which was 2 weeks ago and I would be very disappointed if I missed the Richmond Hill ribfest at Richmond Green Park.  Though the size of this is smaller than the one in Markham but with 6 professional rib teams would be enough to fill our stomachs, after all, we could only try maybe a couple at a time :p  We got there at about noon and the first thing I went for was a deep fried blooming onion because I hadn’t had one for soo long, of course I would not miss out the ribs and pulled pork 😀  Anyways, my pictures below would tell you the rest of the story 😀

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De La Salle Park Beach on Canada day

We were told that there is a very nice beach up north (go straight up north till the end on Lake Dr., east of Kennedy) which is about 45 mins driving distance so not very far away from where we live.  We did spend a little time to find the place but once we found it, we were not surprised that the beach was totally packed because of the nice weather and long weekend, instead we were surprised by the parking cost, $36 a day… Anyhow, it is a huge out door area, aside from the beach, there is also a park  where people were having BBQs everywhere.  It is a highly recommended place for summer so next time if you are thinking about going to a beach or outdoor BBQ, instead of heading downtown, this is really a place you could consider 😀

If you want to see more, including a few panorama pictures of Willow Beach, go to my facebook link here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151070676620211.485261.689775210&type=1&l=a84fe90ffb

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Canada Day long weekend BBQ 2012

We were so graceful that we had a super nice weather over the whole long weekend, perfect for the event that we had been waiting for, Canada Day long weekend BBQ tradition at Cheryl’s house.  Tons of people, tons of food and of course, TONS of fun 😀  Something was totally different this year because in previous years, we had Cheryl, her mom and some other people preparing food but this time, only our master chef Macy prepared the amazing good food.  Of course the outcome of the night was a success as expected, thanks Cheryl, Auntie, Uncle and Macy putting the party together for us 😀

As always, go to my facebook gallery to check out more pictures of the event here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151070615160211.485245.689775210&type=1&l=40d90a17b5

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Little Emilie’s Birthday

Time ran by fast, little Emilie is already 3 years old and Grace and Simon decided to celebrate on the Easter weekend.  I know it was a long day for them because they had to go to a Easter egg hunt thingie really early in the morning in Aurora.  Anyways, I remember there were soo many kids at Emilie’s birthday party last year and it was giving me a headache.  This year, not a lot of kids, which was a good thing because we could finally get to chat a little without kids running around like crazy :p  Overall, it was a very fun night 😀

Here is a full album on my facebook http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150786486250211.463037.689775210&type=1&l=92ff4bb92d

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Super Cook Karen!!!

Yet another weekend gathering @ Karen and Simon’s house, me and a few friends were invited over for a nice home made dinner.  She is already an amazing cook no doubt, maybe its the generic because her mom is a great cook too :p  I got there a little earlier than the others so I was watching the whole progress and she really made all those dishes looked extremely easy.  Seriously, with Karen and all other friends with amazing cooking skills, I really should learn from them and hopefully I could be that good someday 😀  Anyways, enough with the talking, lets take a look at all the dishes she did for us all by herself tonight and would probably make you go WOAH.

BTW, that lobster is over 5 lbs, just look at the size of those huge claws, really not easy to work with in my knowledge.

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