Tag: Simon Leung (雞公)

Little Emilie’s Birthday

Time ran by fast, little Emilie is already 3 years old and Grace and Simon decided to celebrate on the Easter weekend.  I know it was a long day for them because they had to go to a Easter egg hunt thingie really early in the morning in Aurora.  Anyways, I remember there were soo many kids at Emilie’s birthday party last year and it was giving me a headache.  This year, not a lot of kids, which was a good thing because we could finally get to chat a little without kids running around like crazy :p  Overall, it was a very fun night 😀

Here is a full album on my facebook http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150786486250211.463037.689775210&type=1&l=92ff4bb92d

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Super Cook Karen!!!

Yet another weekend gathering @ Karen and Simon’s house, me and a few friends were invited over for a nice home made dinner.  She is already an amazing cook no doubt, maybe its the generic because her mom is a great cook too :p  I got there a little earlier than the others so I was watching the whole progress and she really made all those dishes looked extremely easy.  Seriously, with Karen and all other friends with amazing cooking skills, I really should learn from them and hopefully I could be that good someday 😀  Anyways, enough with the talking, lets take a look at all the dishes she did for us all by herself tonight and would probably make you go WOAH.

BTW, that lobster is over 5 lbs, just look at the size of those huge claws, really not easy to work with in my knowledge.

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Family Day weekend and Valerie is one year old! (19 Feb 2012)

Valerie will be one year old in a few days and I was lucky enough to be invited to her early birthday party this family day weekend.  A lot of the parents were invited, fortunately not many kids were there so I didn’t get any headaches and it was a total relief for me :p  Poor David, Valerie’s dad is stuck at work in Montreal so he didn’t get to join us for the fun but thanks to modern technology, with video conferencing, he got to see all the action going on over the internet real time 😀  Anyways, we first had our awesome dinner, then it was time for the birthday cakes, one ice-cream cake and one mousse with little cartoon characters in them.  Gift unwrapping was another big scene of the night and little Marcus was such a big help ripping all the gifts apart :p  Seriously, I never thought a kid’s birthday party could be this fun :p

Full album on my facebook link here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150677273285211.447387.689775210&type=3&l=7a35668b20

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Christmas 2011

Everything started off slow on Christmas Day because of last night’s party – X’mas Eve 2011, went home at 430 this morning, woke up at around noon, grabbed something to eat from the fridge then started doing some laundry.  Tried to relax as much as possible because I wasn’t sobered at 100% when I got up :p  Anyways, Karen’s party started early for the kids mainly, me as an adult that don’t like to play with kids got there around 6 :p  The party was awesome with the cutest kids Valerie and Emily, Grace, 福仔, 肥媽 and Simon were playing Mahjong upstairs, great food from 潮州館 @ Bayview and MajorMac., Karen made turkey and we even had a X’mas cake as dessert 😀  Simon and Marcus even dressed in Santa’s suits when they gave out presents to the kids, and of course, some didn’t have the patience opened theirs right away :p  Thanks Karen and Simon for organizing this party, awesome night with plenty of laughters and joy for this year’s X’mas!!!

I took tons of pictures, if you want to see the full album, please go to my facebook link here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150546982315211.429972.689775210&type=1&l=c4448cf100

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Marcus’s Birthday Party

Time flies, little Marcus is already 4 years old.  This years birthday party was huge, tons of kids, adults and lots of gifts.  Not to mention we had to celebrate Darlie’s birthday as well 😀  Thanks Karen and Simon for the awesome party, they really did a lot of preparation and work for both the afternoon and the night part of the parties and yes, there were 2 parties on the same day with 2 different groups of people :p

Tons more on my facebook links here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150488965890211.422221.689775210&type=1&l=a25b8187d0

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