Crazy Karaoke night

How crazy can a karaoke night get?  Here are proves of drunken people during that night.  It was kind of funny cuz I and Karen were the people that could actually drive after :p

of course there are more pictures of the crazy karaoke night, I was tempted to post them on facebook but on a second thought, I will just keep them to myself for now since there are too many people involved in this :p  But if I get enough comment on this post, I might post them all on facebook, so leave a comment 😀

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Dinner at Tony’s house

Julian came back to Toronto for a short surprise visit after 6 years of staying in Hong Kong, so we kind of decided to have a little old co-workers gathering in Tony’s house yesterday.  Tony , Jin and Doris made fantastic food and of course many others brought wine 😀  Not everyone showed up because some people got plans and it was such a very very short notice but this little house dinner ended up not so little after all because the house was totally packed with people 🙂

If you are interested to see more pictures, I have uploaded in totally of 100 pictures from last night on Facebook Part one and Part two

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Chicken tart with Spanish salad

I had never eaten so much in my cooking lesson but last Friday.  Chicken tart with Spanish salad, both the salad and the chicken took a lot of preparation time, but they are really easy to do.  Here are the results 😀

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Illidan went bye bye

On Sunday, we finally downed Illidan.  It was also a boss that we spent a lot of time on, now we can move to Sunwell 😀

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RockBand 2

I was bored the other night, so I called Sunny and Karry and found out they just bought Rockband 2, so I spent the whole night playing at their place.  I was suprised how good the drum set is in RB2 and it is wireless 😀  Man, now I am thinking about selling my RB1 drum set and get the version 2 :p

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