Last Friday’s cooking lesson

Another semester started, hopefully the following weeks will have more of my favorites, wonderfully, we started with Chicken, yay!!!  This is also very easy to do, just takes time to marinate like 3-4 hrs.  The whole thing is done in the rice cooker, takes about only 25 mins to get it fully cooked 😀

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Last 2 weeks cooking lessons

I was too busy with the new World of Warcraft new 3.02 patch, was playing most of the time so I didn’t have time to post things :p  Anyways, I finally got a little bit of time posting a few pictures that I took from the last 2 cooking lessons.  From last week’s lesson, it was a very easy to make dish, took not much time at all, infeact I might make try to make that soon :D, too bad I dont know how to say it in English but you can see the pictures below 🙂

This week, we made FISH, and I really hate that smell, but you know what, the fish came out pretty well.  Didn’t have that BAD smell I hate and the end result was nothing I expected and there might big chance that I will try making that in the future, so will see :p

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Guild first on Archimonde

We had been working on this guy for like freaking months, wipes after wipes, and finally we got him down for good (Sunday) right before blizzard comes out with the new patch that nerfs everything.  This boss shows how good we are as a raiding guild and as a mage officer in the guild, I am pleased we made this progression boss kill before the big nerf 😀

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OMFG, I haven’t had soo much food in years and everything taste great!!!  Tonight, we had a little potluck party at Doris’s place with old friends from Logic (the place I used to work years ago).  Each of us made a dish and 10 people made 10 different dishes and they all look and taste great 😀  On the previous post, I made a curry fish balls and found out it was a little too spicy for some people there, hehe.  Well, I can’t really tell cuz my sense of spicy taste was lost in space a long time ago :p but anyways, they still liked it so I am glad 😀  Oh oh, Cherry brought her daughter too, she is soo cute !!!!  Anyways, everything tasted soo good and I had a full stomach when I left her house :p  It has been a long time since I had soo much fun like the old days 😀

Anyways, I hadn’t been to Doris’s place for a few months, the first thing I noticed in her house was this Orchid, it’s soo beautiful 😀

and some other pictures of tonight 😀

As always, there are more on my Facebook 😀

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Potluck preparation

I am going to Doris’s potluck party tonight and I had to prepare something so here it is “Curry Fish Balls”  hahaha, my favorite.  Most of the people from Hong Kong, they all like this dish, but to get the taste and smell exactly the same as the one in Hong Kong, not everyone can do that :p  but I can 😀  Maybe because I like spicy and curry soo much, I just had to learn how to and to make it taste perfect.  Well, here is a picture of the finished product an hr ago 😀 and I will post more updates later about the party 🙂

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