Category: “ME” [牛牛篇]

We talk about your work how your boss is a jerk
We talk about your church and your head when it hurts
We talk about the troubles you've been having with your brother
About your daddy and your mother and your crazy ex-lover
We talk about your friends and the places that you've been
We talk about your skin and the dimples on your chin
The polish on your toes and the run in your hose
And God knows we're gonna talk about your clothes
You know talking about you makes me smile
But every once in awhile

I wanna talk about me
Wanna talk about I
Wanna talk about number one
Oh my me my
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see
I like talking about you you you you, usually, but occasionally
I wanna talk about meeeeee (me,me,me,me-background singers)
I wanna talk about me (me,me-background singers)

Artist/Band: Keith Toby
Lyrics for Song: I Wanna Talk About Me

Electronic Cigarettes

All my friends know that I have been a heavy smoker for a long long time since I was 18 think…  Although I have tried quitting but it was a fail every time…  Anyways, after trying the patches and gums, I guess it is time to try out some modern technology, electronic cigarettes – Electronic cigarettes in Canada closely mimic the taste, feel and sensation of a real cigarette. The electronic cigarette can be fitted with nicotine or non-nicotine cartridges. The cartridges are heated up, which creates a vapour that can then be inhaled. The process closely resembles how a nebulizer works.  And they come in different flavours like vanilla, strawberry and menthol etc.

I bought my EGO-T LCD Starter kit from EsmokerCanada, a Canadian company located in Ontario that had been around for some time, read some good things about them, great customer service, and my shipment only took 2 days to arrive, whoa…  If you are thinking to try something different, trying to quit or the COLD COLD weather here where you have to step outside for a smoke, you should definitely get this.



EGO-T LCD is a little bigger (bigger batteries) than a regular cigarette, but they do have a model 510-T which looks like a real cigarette :p

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Caribbean Cruise Experience (Oasis of the Seas)

at the back of the ship (Oasis of the Seas)

at the back of the ship (Oasis of the Seas)

Being on the world’s biggest cruise ship “Oasis of the Seas” was quite enchanting and fun, on the other hand, the hot and humid weather drained us pretty good (in a good way) and most of the time we only got 7 or fewer hours to sleep :p.  The whole west Caribbean trip was a 7-day trip which includes the destinations Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico, so packing was quite challenging especially being a first timer on a cruise.  After the whole experience, we have learned and seen a lot so I will try to put everything into words below so people know the details.

– Sun protection is a must, I brought 2 bottles of regular sunblock, used them all in 7 days but bring sun to protect lip balm as well (which I didn’t bring…)

– Cash, brought $400 USD, ended up using only about $200 for alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee beans.  A credit card was already bound to your sea pass so nothing else needed cash; -D

– Was told a lot of different stories about the drinking water on board like bring our own bottles and stuffs like that, but what we ended up doing was buying the Pop package because it would make everything much much easier. We figured carrying a bottle to everywhere you go is heavy since we had shit loads of things in the bags already (camera, sun block/lotions, wallet, sandals/shoes, towel, etc.)

– Not including the stuff I was wearing the first day, I brought 6 t-shirts, 2 tanks, 4 shorts, 8 underwear, 8 pairs of socks, 2 sandals, 1 extra pair of casual shoes, 1 pair of dressed shoes, 1 suit, 2 dressed shirts and 1 tie.  What I ended up not using the most was the socks, only half was used since most of the time we were wearing sandals.  I also regretted not bringing enough tank tops because t-shirts are just not cool enough for the weather :p

– Brought 2 cameras, but ended up using only one…

The food everywhere on the ship was very good, mostly free unless you want to try some of the speciality restaurants, which we did 😀

Here is what we did the whole trip below…

Day 1 – flight, boarding, tons of exploring of the ship, watched the show “Oasis Dreams”

Day 2 – on the ship the whole day, enjoying the sun and pools a lot, watched the show “Hair Spray” late afternoon and dressed dinner at night

Day 3 – Snorkeling and jet skiing at Haiti, super bright sun, smart causal dining, casino and some drinking at night

Day 4 – Best of Jamaica, more walking, boating and sun 😀  Umm… maybe a little shopping :-p

Day 5 – on board the whole day again, more sun most of the day, dressed dining at night again plus a few more exploring of the ship

Day 6 – Mexico, a shit load of walking at the runes and a very relaxing beautiful beach

Day 7 – on the way back to Ft. Lauderdale so more sun and fun on board (zip line, flow rider etc.)

Day 8 – flight back…

Overall, I didn’t expect the whole trip was actually quite tiring, especially on our day 6 at Mexico, even drank lots of water and still felt like it wasn’t enough.  Anyways, I took a total of 1319 pictures so here are some highlights 😀

P.S.  I just picked a few here randomly because there are just too many :-p  For full albums, please check out my facebook links here Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7&8Panoramic view and Cruise Pictures taken by cruise staffs

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我啲親戚唔太多, 十個有十個都不是在加拿大。 對我來講親戚都只是得過名o者,一啲對我都唔認識, 但這對我完全唔重要, 一年都講唔o到幾個電話, 淨係識得同我講: “對你老豆老母好啲啦, 佢o地年紀大, 就o下佢啦!”。但當我受了氣要講番比佢o地聽,佢o地又係咁同我講: “對你老豆老母好啲啦, 佢o地年紀大啦, 就o下佢啦!”。我有時都問自己, 我四十歲都嚟緊, 同佢o地住埋一齊困獸鬥都冇得話唔就啦!所以咪就到我老母而家打橫行, 老豆又唔9出聲, 過曬底線, 又唔知我日日對住佢兩老有幾難頂, 重叫我就wor… 就佢老味! 所以當我有氣要發, 我就只好對朋友發, 我所有朋友都好明白我嘅處景。 親戚?? 收皮啦…


從小到大,我一路都將朋友排第一位。 我好多朋友, 由under age 到六、七十歲都有。 因為只有朋友先明白我個人, 內與外。 並且我都明白, 朋友你可以揀,但老豆、老母、親戚就冇得揀。 撞正個不知所謂嘅老豆老母你就卜街。 睇o下我就知啦! 我都知朋友係唔可以陪我或幫我一世, 但都好過對住我老豆老母同我啲親戚。 講真, 問心, 諗真啲, 幾時需要老豆、老母、同親戚?欠人錢囉! 比人綁票囉! 死人’lum’樓囉等等… 在我來講就99.99%嘅時間都係朋友緊要。 起碼朋友會聽我講嘢, 消化所有細節,同老豆、老母、親戚分別好大, 佢地只會聽你第一、兩句就插咗先。 我啲朋友十個有十個都係好人。 賤人、狗賊我都唔會識啦!


大鍋啦! 寫到我白頭都寫唔曬。 在我嚟講, 冇知識唔緊要,但連常識都冇你就死得啦!成日話自己年紀大,就可以打橫行,三十年前都係講同一句,你坤我呀!



睇住佢放咗啲生肉落隻碟到, 轉個頭就洗都唔洗隻碟就放番入個櫃度, 我話佢, 佢就話佢唔記得咗, 前後只係幾秒時間, 點忍呀!

每日食飯都只係得佢兩個人,但係個雪櫃裏面食得嘅嘢,就可以比十個人食幾個星期,買就買多多,話佢又話我好話佢,雪櫃keep住咁多嘢,多到連我個wine cooler都用埋來放菜。

買廁紙買到成屋都係,有幾多?多過一百卷,多唔多呀?二百都有呀!比我話完重買,跟住重收埋係佢自己房唔比我知, 仲未計paper towel 喎!


每日用完個廚房,當然要清潔爐頭啦,佢就乜都唔洗,就算佢洗,洗煲就唔洗蓋, 或洗咗都肥lum lum,我老母而家連碗都唔洗咖啦, 咪我老豆洗曬囉 ,成日就話佢企唔到長時間, 但佢去Baseman玩花就可以玩幾粒鐘都係企喎!


講到cheap… 佢架車連冬天胎都唔想買,佢條四季胎都有八成光頭,又話寶馬收得貴,因為我ban咗佢話o個間胎公司,然後就發爛咋,話"我唔買啦!"挑, 你死我有錢收, 但係你同我都要用同一架車哩!

佢地銀行錢多,咪買小小mutual fund 走啲稅囉,講好哂一切嘢五日有多, 到要簽名個日,同我講,唔買啦,話寧願收利息喎,你鹵味!


我係在我十七歲零三日嚟加拿大的,是一九八九年八月十九曰,那日一同上飛機的共有三十多個循道會嘅學生,係機場所有學生都喊到好似死老豆咁,但當我入閘o個陣時,簡直快樂得勁快樂! 點解? 因為當我在香港嘅時候,過嘅係非一般小朋友過嘅生活, 細個時冇乜嘢玩, 成績又唔好, 從小我就勁鐘意打機,砌模型, 因為屋企只得我一個, 仲可以有乜嘢玩呢? 咪以為我老豆老母會買好多玩具比我, 係差唔多冇。 所有玩具都係我唔食飯、 唔買零食、 唔出街, 儲蓄得來的。 小學得個幾蚊雞一日, 到中學都係得十零蚊連埋車錢, 好幾個星期先可以買到一合模型或其他玩具。

一個星期七日, 有三、四日都要食藤條炆豬肉, 我都明白, 我地o個個年代有邊個唔使食藤條炆豬肉咖, 唔講大家都唔知, 我由小學一年級到中學三年班,成日都要見社工, 點解? 因為我全身都係藤條痕囉, 有幾多呀?咁就大把啦! 我五、六年級有一次就數到有三十幾條痕,係全部睇到嘅地方, 手手腳腳全部都係, 有啲仲有血添, 我一啲都冇吹水, 有啲老朋友都知, 仲可以有幾可悲? 我老豆老母唔只藤條炆豬肉,仲要我跪祖先, 一邊跪、 一邊打, 仲要將我啲模型一個一個掉係我面前,踩爛晒, 仲有唔好唔記得, 我老母一打我,就一定唔會少過兩三個鐘, 所以我點會冇藤條痕呢!

打到大啲喇, 中一至中三啦 ,老母就要不停買藤條, 因為每次打都打斷條藤條, 後來重要用掃把嚟打添,當我大個啲,咁打法就一定還手啦, 還手就一定卜街, 仲打多幾嘢, 但唔還手走去避,佢都不停打。 有一次我就呢一世仔都記得! 因為我二婆都有份打, 當日打斷咗三條藤條,之後重要用掃把打, 全日打我打咗三個幾鐘, 為左乜?咪係因為捉到我係遊戲機中心囉!

打到去邊一個地步? 我知道無論我考到五十九分又係比佢打三日,孝到零雞蛋都係打三日, 所以我係中三就選擇乜Q嘢都唔讀, 全部零雞蛋就算啦! 全年平均分只得24點幾, 係唔係都被打到週身藤條痕, 重要比人笑, 我點解要咁勤力同努力呢??  眼見身邊所有嘅小朋友, 冇一個o個結局會好似我咁, 諗o下諗o下,我真係蠢得好緊要, 成績唔好同鐘意打機就比人打到咁, 我就應該一早就去學人偷嘢呀、 打交呀、 甚至入埋黑社會添, 到頭來個結局都係一樣 –> 比人打。 如果你問我 ,我有冇童年, 我可以無需要用個腦來答你-100%冇咯, 在我記憶中, 每一日都淨係比老豆老母打, 比同學笑, 冇一日開心過, 同屋企人開心嘅記憶就一啲都冇, 我甚至有一次企係警局門口, 有諗過入唔入去報警添!

到我中四時, 轉到去另一間中學, 成績初時都係唔好,唉! 點會好呀? 冇讀書成年, 我自己知自己事, 中四開始冇幾耐, 我就搵到一分part-time工係大家樂做, 當時我非常開心 ,番屋企話比老豆老母聽,嘩! 咁大個人第一份工喎! 點知老豆就發晒爛咋,佢將部錄影機掉係我面前, 用個錘仔打到個錄影機唔似錄影機, 同我講"你咁叻,搵錢番嚟買過部錄影機呀!" 比你都唔敢走去返工喇!

香港啲時間真係過得好艱苦, 點知有一日, 我有個同學仔個亞媽問我有冇興趣同佢個仔一齊跟循道會去加拿大讀書。 我當然話好喇!當時我老豆老母都一定話好喇~讀書wor。 我仲即時call我o個好友Raymond一齊去, 不過以我當時嘅成績就一定無可能去得到加拿大 (因我成年都冇セ讀書),但我心諗,我真係只得呢一個機會,所以為咗我要離開, 我竟然可以用幾個月時間, 成績上番哂軌道,而且重可以去到加拿大讀書tim! 講真,係香港辛苦o左十七年, 去到機場我就以九秒九入閘上機走囉!!

除咗我啲學校同成績故事 ,當然仲有好多小故事啦!

過時過節或放假都會一家人去街,記得有一次, 老豆車我去海灘游水,路上突然爆胎,你自己白痴唔識換胎, 最後用咗成兩粒幾鐘先換好, 換完都天黑, 咁你應承小朋友嘅嘢, 做唔到o個小朋友就一定爆喊啦! 佢自己又發爛咋, 又唔用解釋嘅方法去同個小朋友講, 你喊就打, 到最後就死死地氣帶咗我去海灘, 放我落水三分鐘就返屋企。

重有一次, 我諗住同老豆玩, 見到佢抽櫃內有好多散錢,諗住收係床下面,同佢玩下, 點知佢兩老發現咗之後, 話我偷錢, 打到我癲, 重踼我出屋企, 腳上只穿得一隻鞋,喊咗幾個鐘先放我番入屋, 重要不停打, 就係個一年, 我就知道我老豆老母係唔玩得。

有一年冬天, 中學期間啦,默書唔合格, 打咗成日, 佢打到唔想打, 就踼咗我出街, 喊咗成個鐘, 門又唔開, 咁我咪落樓下公園坐, 坐咗幾個鐘, 坐到深夜十二點, 身上只穿一件T-shirt, 冷到卜街, 頂唔順,咪番屋企囉,佢重唔開門,我喊到管理處上門話我D喊聲嘈到人地投訢,咁先放我入屋囉, 但重要打wor。

當然重有好多好多故事, 太多喇……. 寫到我唔係好想寫, 事實真係太多太難過喇!


同幾個朋友一齊叫外賣sushi返嚟我屋企食, 我地都等到老豆老母食咗飯先咖喇, 到我地食0個震時, 老豆就發癲咁將個電視聲音開到100%, 第一次我問佢做乜嘢, 佢就話唔小心, 點知我地一路食,佢就一路由細聲開到最大聲,重攪o左幾次, 嚇到我啲朋友食都唔敢食, 我唸我老豆當時係度發’老四’, 因為我地冇叫佢地食sushi呀嗎! 但係佢地都唔食生嘢, 又已經食飽咗啦, 你唔駛係我啲朋友面前做啲咁嘢o下話!! 真係人都癲呀!

好喇!夏天叫班Aunties嚟BBQ, 我早一晚就叫佢o地嚟幫手醃嘢食, 由七、八點攪到差唔多十點, 誰不知當我地開開心心咁攪到差唔多完嘅時侯, 樓上突然傳來一聲非常巨大嘅聲響, 啲Aunties被嚇到都唔知發生緊乜事? 我走上樓上問老豆老母, 佢地就話跌咗嘢落地, 轉頭一落樓下,啲Aunties就已經雞咁腳擺住啲手袋預備走喇, 大家心諗一定有問題啦! 第二日我亞媽就話我知,原來係老豆突然發老四, 拉起成張床然後放手, 仲話我知:老豆話唔鐘意我啲朋友喎!咪係咁囉 ~ WTF?

裝修咗個basement,就一定係諗住請朋友返嚟玩啦 。有一次,我請咗烹飪班啲同學仔嚟玩, 有啲年齡都有 六十歲過外, 同我老豆老母咁高咁大, 有仔女好似我o既年紀個啲,都領教過我老母啲臭脾氣啦!我老母真係面對面鬧佢地, 如果真係玩得太大聲嘅話, 你咪同我講囉, 唔駛面對面鬧我啲朋友, 一方面咁係唔尊重我, 二係唔尊重我啲朋友, 三係唔尊重佢地自己,唔好唔記得, 佢地對我其他同我同年紀嘅朋友都係咁, 同一樣嘅事都發生過好幾次!

我有個朋友嘅爸、媽以前同我老豆老母好friend,  係’以前’- 點解? 有一次佢地四個人打麻雀, 人地食佢幾鋪糊,我老母就發爛咋掟麻雀, 咁當然之後人地爸、媽都怕咗佢, 後來我老母仲要話:”哩啲人咁小氣,我都唔想同佢做朋友啦, 全部都係衰人嚟嘅!”

講衰啲,佢地當我啲朋友全部係垃圾, 識得我啲朋友, 無一個會入我屋企, 因為全部都知道我老豆老母好難頂, 點解? 比佢地鬧過或嚇過囉!


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My experience with North York Chrysler Jeep (part3)

The story goes on… another follow up post from My experience with North York Chrysler Jeep and My experience with North York Chrysler Jeep Continues… + Misc.  I really didn’t expect this but they did send me a survey to fill out after everything that happened and I thought, they just wanted to make the hole even bigger, deeper and more damage to their reputation really…  Anyways, the survey is like 8 pages as shown in the picture below AND they sent me a cheque?!?  With all the cars I have bought over the years, first, I had never seen a survey this long, second, came with a fucking cheque?  For fucking $2?  Seriously, 2 bucks to do a survey?  Everybody knows that how I am going to rate them, unsatisfied all the way, that’s exactly what happened.

There is one question in the survey that I really want to mention here

Q:  Overall, how do you think your dealer experience could have been improved?

A:  Fire the lame Sales Manager “Sxxx Bxxxxx”, then people will be a lot more satisfied!!!

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Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Here is a quick illustration I did, Happy Chinese New Year, 祝大家龍馬精神, 龍年行大運!!!

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